Monday, February 14, 2011

Folk Tale: Multi Colored Lake (Telaga Warna)

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Multi Colored Lake / Telaga Warna
Folk Tale From West Java

A long time a go, there was a kingdom named Kutatanggeuhan in West Java. The King named Prabu Suwartalaya and The Queen was Ratu Purbamanah. The Kingdom was prosperous. Its people lived in prosperity. But what a pity, the King and The Queen were not blessed with a child yet.

The people suggested that the King adopted a child but the King and the Quessn refuse it. The King went to a quiet cave in the mountain. There he prayed for days, wishing that he would be blessed with a child.
One day the King heard a voice asking him.

"Do you reeally want to have a child of your own?"
"Yes. I want a child of my own," answered the king.
"Alright. Your prayer is granted.

Now, go home!" ordered the voice.

Several weeks later the Queen got pregnant. The people were very happy.
Nine months after that, a beautiful little baby girl was born.
The little Princess was named Putri Gilang Rukmini.

The King and the Queen were very happy. The people celebrated the birth of Putri Gilang Rukmini by having a party for seven days and seven nights.
Putri Gilang Rukmini grew into a very beautiful girl. Her parents spoiled her because she was an only child.

She became spoiled. All her wishes had to be fulfilled. If not, she became very angry. She was rude and impolite.

Soon, she would be seventeen. People went to the palace to offer jewelries. They wanted to show their love for the Princess. The king summoned the royal goldsmith and ordered the goldsmith to make a beautiful and special necklace from the people's ordering.

The king wanted to give the necklaceto his daughter on her birthday.

The day came....the birthday of Putri Gilang Rukmini.

People gathered in front of the palace. They wanted to see the Princess. The King and Queen on the stage. People cheered.

Then Putri Gilang Rukmini appeared. She wore a very beauriful dress. She smiled happily and waved her hand.

People cheerede more loudly.

Then came the moment to open the special gift.

The King opened the box and took out. A bautiful necklace. He gave it to the Princess.
"This Necklace is a token of love from your people, my loove!". Please wear it so they will be happy.

The princess accepted the gift and look at it for a while.
"What kind of a necklace is this?"
How disgusting! I don't want to wear it!"

He threw it on the floor, in front of the King and the Queen. The necklace broke into pieces.

Everyone was shocked. No one could utter a word. people were quiet...shocked. Silence hung in the air.

Then...the Queen sobbed sadly.

Everyone was sad and disaapointed.

Right at the moment....a miracle happened. Suddently clear water spurted out the earth. Did the earth also become sad? Did the earth sad?

People were amazed. They stood still. Water kept pouring and flowed to every direction. More and more. Finally, it formed a big lake and Kutatanggeuhan was drowned.

Nowadays, the lake  is dry and located in Puncak, West Java. The lake is called Telaga Warna or Multi Colored Lake.

When the sun shines brightly, the water looked multicolored. It is said that the multi colored comes from the Pricess's necklace.



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